Hurricane China as Viewed from Hong Kong


Warning: this post is a rant. It is subjective and probably contains nothing but anecdotes, personal observations, exaggerations, and straw men. There is nothing scientific about it. Take it with a generous sprinkling of salt. I also make no guarantee that it is coherent.

Before I begin, I need to …

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I have finally migrated this blog from WordPress on a Site5 shared hosting plan in US central, to a Pelican static site on my Linode instance in Singapore. I've wanted to do it ever since I found out about static site generators. However, I've been putting it off for a …

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Reflections about Universal Suffrage


On August 31st, 2014, the National People's Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) made its pronouncement about the selection of the HKSAR Chief Executive in 2017, through a document entitled “Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Issues Relating to the Selection of the Chief Executive of the …

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補給完,我地就先分道揚鑣:家姐去銅鑼灣會合企鵝姐,開始佢嘅第二回合;我就去展開我嘅旺角探險。點解去旺角?因為我隻踎屎死咗。讀者一定諗:『踎屎死咗關旺角咩事呀?』。咁我就話你知啦。話說PCCW寄咗封信嚟話多謝我申請寬頻,所以送無綫踎屎,要去旺角挪。不過我點會淨係為咗隻踎屎去旺角丫。前世未迫過咩。其實我主要仲想搵OS X Leopard Family Pack,買番隻模型鉗 …

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The Real Origin of the Canadian "eh?"


Here is my take on the origin of the Canadian "eh?"

The French keyboard layout.

When you want to type in French, the easiest way is to switch to the French keyboard layout, instead of using the Alt + 0XXX codes for the accented vowels and the c-cédille. However, once you …

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A Little Bit of Update (Hong Kong/Macau/China)


Hello everybody, I know I haven't posted in the longest time. I have been lazy/busy/travelling in the past months. Anyway, here it goes ...

My long vacation started off with a trip to Hong Kong and China. In fact, it was pretty much the main theme of the whole …

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Solving grade 8 algebra... the Enterprise way


I have been tutoring grade 8 math for some time. And let me tell you that it is not easy. Doing grade 8 math is one thing, but tutoring/teaching it is a completely different story. The trouble is that, by dint of having done a lot of much harder …

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New Graduate Student for Hire!


Exams were over more than a week ago. 3 of the 4 grades are already posted, the only grade missing being that of the capstone project. I can be sure that I'm graduating on time because there is pretty much no way that I can fail the capstone project.

So …

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Concordia Iron Ring Ceremony 2006


After 4 years of blood, toil, tears, and sweat, (most of) my friends and I finally got our iron ring this Friday, March 24th. Having this special symbol of the engineer on the pinky feels great but it's also difficult to not notice its presence. For instance, washing your hands …

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